If You Can’t Cut the Mustard, Get Off the Hot Dog!” Lyrics for Life
If You Can’t Cut the Mustard, Get Off the Hot Dog!
Lyrics for Life
CC Carolisms
Carol Connors and Patricia Riley
"A brilliant book, that says it like it is and inspires you to live your best life.”
“A fun read that will teach you to look at every situation in a better way."
CC Carolisms include:
“If you don’t eat it...sleep it...think it...drink it… need it.. forget it! You have to have laser beam clarity in want you want to be a success.”
"If you are not going forward, you are going backwards."
"Life is like an orange. Squeeze every bit of juice out of it and drink it up."
Carol Connors
Two-Time Academy Award Nominated Songwriter
About the Authors:
Highly acclaimed Singer/Songwriter Carol Connors, achieved fame at a young age as lead singer for the “Teddy Bears”. In Junior High, Phil Spector, wrote the song "To Know Him Is To Love Him”, for her voice, and it rose to #1 on the Billboard charts. Elvis was her first love. The Beach Boys teased her as a girl for writing the #1 hot rod song, “Hey Lil’ Cobra.”
CC, has her friends call her, has been nominated for 10 major music awards: Emmy’s, Grammy’s, Golden Globes and 2 Oscars , one for co-writing the theme for "Rocky", "Gonna Fly Now."
Carol said, “I made only $500 up front to co-write “Gonna Fly Now”, and bought my Beverly Hills estate from the back-end. Royalties are still coming in today. The legendary composer Bill Conti told me, “Treat every situation as if it was Rocky. Give it all you got. You never know.” I have followed his advice to this day."
CC’s hits include "With You I’m Born Again" and the theme from the long running TV show "Lifestyles of The Rich and Famous", "Champagne Wishes & Caviar Dreams”, sang by the legendary Dionne Warwick.
A good friend of Carol’s for 30 years, Patricia Riley convinced her to write this book during the Pandemic. Carol's sayings are memorable, like the lyrics of her songs! Carol had a way of sharing her philosophy on life that was sheer genius. She was like my personal Yoda! Even her cat got in the act.
I’ve listened to Carol share wonderful stories with memorable life lessons for years, as brilliant as the lyrics in her hit songs. Her wisdom has been life- changing! Talking to her has been like having my own personal “Yoda” giving me advice on how to use “the force” for a better life. Even her kitty got in the act!

I am so glad Carol and I could collaborate on this book, so the lessons we have learned can help to reach the Stars!
About Pat Riley
A businesswoman and entrepreneur, Pat Riley is CEO and Founder of Clientelebeauty.com and MDR.com, leaders in Nutritional supplements for good health. Pat has had a fascinating life, one day working with Nobel Prize winning scientists, to the next going to Frank Sinatra’s home for a party with “Rifleman”Star Chuck Connors.
An expert in nutrition and skin care, celebrities like Pat Boone and Shirley Jones credit her formulas for keeping them youthful!
Riley appeared for 7 years on QVC. She served on Boards for QVC, Stiefel Laboratories and Northwood University, where she received an Honorary Doctorate for her contributions to business and science and gave the commencement address sharing her life lessons highlighted in this book.
Learn the philosophies that can help you succeed in business, personal relationships, and dealing with the difficulties of life.
You will treasure this book, and the timeless lessons in it.
Move forward with confidence on your own personal path to greatness with, “If You Can’t Cut the Mustard, Get Off the Hot Dog!” Lyrics for Life.